Article of Jul 15, 2024

Day care centres with available childcare places

Day care centres with available childcare places

Dear parents,

the following daycare centers still have places available at short notice for both under-threes and over-threes:

  • MyDagis - Kita im Kappelshof
    Kappelsweg 1, 50829 Köln-Bocklemünd
    Contact person: Luisa Laszlo
    Phone: 0221 28226080
  • Kindertagesstätte Kunterbunt e. V.
    Burgstr. 20, 51103 Köln-Vingst
    Contact person: Chalin Leinroth
    Mobile: 0176 43662385

The following daycare centers still offer free childcare places for under-threes (U3) at short notice:

The following daycare centers still offer free childcare places for over three-year-olds (Ü3) at short notice:

  • Kindertagesstätte Kleine Riesen Köln-Gremberghoven-Porz II
    Bahnhofplatz 7a, 51149 Köln-Gremberghoven
    Contact person: Leyla Memissevil
    Phone: 02203 9250605

Your Familienbüro

Article of Jun 28, 2024

Appointments at the Familienbüro

Appointments at the Familienbüro

Dear parents,
dear families,

we are pleased to be able to offer you extended opening hours from 4 July 2024:

Thursdays 8am to 12pm and 2pm to 4pm.
All consultations for childcare places, family guides (initial counselling on the topic of family and children) and Little Bird can be attended without an appointment during this time.

On Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, please make an appointment by emailing

Your Familienbüro

Article of May 28, 2024

Places currently available in child day care throughout the city

Places currently available in child day care throughout the city

Dear parents,

There are currently many vacancies in child day care throughout the city. 

If you need childcare for your child under the age of three at short notice, please get in touch with the childcare contact point as soon as possible. They will be able to find a childminder for you as soon as possible. 

Child day care contact point Cologne
Venloer Str. 53
50672 Cologne

Tel.: 0221-913927-0
Fax: 0221-913927-29

If you live in the Ehrenfeld district, you can also submit your childcare request via our LITTLE BIRD portal. 

The parental contributions for child day care are identical to those for child day care facilities

Your family office

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